Image metadata analysis

This image analysis tool shows you metadata like Exif, IPTC, XML, ICC color profiles hidden in your image or photo.

  • Made in Germany
  • EU GDPR compliant
  1. Drag & Drop

    Drag your image file onto this website. You can do this anytime.

  2. Paste image URL

    Paste an image URL from your clipboard into this website. You can do this also on the image processing page.

  3. Paste Base64 Data URI

    Paste a Base64 Data URI from your clipboard into this website. You can do this also on the image processing page.

  4. Paste image data

    Paste an image from your clipboard into this website. You can do this also on the image processing page.

Allowed file formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, WebP, SVG (max. 8 MiB)


  • Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, Photoshop's own data
  • Extract embedded ICC profile (downloadable)
  • JPEG: Quantization tables (luminance and chroma)
  • JPEG: Embedded thumbnail preview
  • JPEG: Estimated quality level based on quantization tables
  • JPEG: Linked OSM and Google Maps location based on embedded GPS data
  • PNG: Compression view
  • PNG: Separated alpha channel for "dirty transparency" check
  • … much more

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Why should I use this image forensics tool?

This analysis tool helps you to find out which meta data like Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC color profiles, GPS coordinates and Quantization tables are hidden in your images and photos.

This can be useful for security reasons in the field of forensics, but it can also help developers in the field of digital image processing to analyze what compression settings were used when generating the image (e.g. estimated JPEG quality) and how well the compression works (look for PNG compression view).

Also, for commercial sites, it can be useful to check the copyright and licensing notices that may have been placed in the images.

ArticleThe big image compression tool comparison

Logos of compress-or-die, optimizilla, JPEGmini,, tinyjpg,

There are a lot of articles about online image compression tools in the net, most of them are very superficial. Usually they end with a simple: "It generates smaller pictures, so it's got to be better."

Learn why such statements are most of the time meaningless, understand the technical background, and find out which tool you should use as of today.

18 min read

Read article

Christoph Erdmann
Image compression with AI

Wow! Google researchers have now proposed a new method that combines a standard autoencoder with a diffusion process to recover and add fine details discarded by the autoencoder. Interesting to see the possibilities AI opens up when compressing images.

How Should We Store AI Images? Google Researchers Propose an Image Compression Method Using Score-based Generative Models - MarkTechPost
MarkTechPostA year ago, generating realistic images with AI was a dream. We were impressed by seeing generated faces that resemble real ones, despite the majority of outputs having three eyes, two noses, etc. However, things changed quite rapidly with the release of diffusion models. Nowadays, it is difficult to distinguish an AI-generated image from a […]

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